requirements for nature Enrichment program
- Age 5-14
- Proficient with toileting, able to know when they need to go to the bathroom and communicate that
- Able to follow 2-3 step directions carefully
- Shows respect toward guides, peers, and nature
- Able to communicate needs effectively
- Ability to stay with guide and group
- Appropriate clothing and material for weather and time outdoors
Wild Oak Explorers is a nature-connection recreation program, not a school/preschool or childcare. "Forest School" is a part of our name to indicate
that our approach and values related to how we guide children's experiences of learning, growth, exploration, and discovery align with the F
**Families who are registered with a county school district as a home education program (Florida Statue 1002.41), registered as PEP students, or an umbrella school are welcome to apply. As a home education program, the parent/guardian is the educator of record and is able to make all educational decisions.**
schedule & Tuition
2024/2025 School Year
​Annual Tuition Fee​
4 Days $8000 yearly
2 Days $4000 yearly (FUNdamental pod or Farm)
​​​​​​​​​​​​At this time we have rolling enrollment.
Priority for enrollment will be given to students enrolling for full-time program.​
The tuition is prepaid and due by the first business day of each month. If you are utilizing the Step Up for Students UA or PEP scholarship, you will be required to reserve funds by the fifth of the month.
There are no deductions of the monthly tuition for sick days, vacations, holidays, power outages due to tornado/hurricane or other unforeseen circumstances beyond our control.
We maintain a very low teacher to student ratio 1-2:7
Enrollment is conditional for the first 4 weeks.
​2024/25 Session Dates
Class starts on August 1, 2024 and ends on May 22, 2025
We will run anywhere from 4-8 weeks on and a week off. I have found this to be vital for homeschool families. In my research, I have also seen several schools, Acton academies and other private schools, and even universities using this model. The breaks allow for children and families to not feel overwhelmed and become burnt out.
First Day-August 1, 2024
Harvest Moon Walk-September 17, 2024
Fall Break - October 14-17, 2024
Veterans Day-November 11, 2024
Friendsgiving Feast-November 16, 2024
Thanksgiving Break - November 25-28, 2024
Winter Solstice Walk-December 15, 2024
Holiday break - December 20, 2024 - January 12, 2023
Return to Class-January 13,2025
Winter Break-February 10-13, 2025
Spring break - March 24-27, 2025
Wild Amelia-May 17, 2025
Last Day of Class-May 22, 2025

Enrollment Inquiry
If you feel that WOE may be right for your child and would like to apply, please complete the online application form. Once your application is received, you will receive a confirmation email within 2 weeks that will also include information about scheduling a tour. You will also receive the parent handbook, please read all of it to make sure you are positive this is the environment you are choosing for your child to blossom. Please note that this is not the current handbook as we are working on updating it. You’re invited to let your child play in our outdoor classroom, ask questions, and get to know more about what it’s like to enroll in an all outdoor program.
Wild Oak Explorers will contact you within a week of your tour to answer any remaining questions and then either invite you to enroll or discuss any concerns that have arisen. If all spaces are full, you will receive an email to let you know that your child has been placed on a waiting list.
Once you receive the official enrollment form, it will need to be completed and returned to Wild Oak Explorers as soon as possible, along with the non-refundable $250 deposit. You will also be billed a $250 supply fee with a recurring $150 yearly supply fee.
Your child’s space in the class will be officially reserved as soon as this paperwork is turned in, and the deposit clears.
If you have any questions please email us at